Our performance

Langstane Housing Association is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) and like all RSL's we are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator, which was established on 1 April 2011 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010. To find out more about the Scottish Housing Regulator you can check out their website.

Scottish Social Housing Charter

The Scottish Social Housing Charter was introduced in April 2012, and requires all Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in Scotland to demonstrate how they perform in delivering housing services and other activities against a number of outcomes.

We continue to publish our results in our newsletter each year. You can also compare us with other RSL's by visiting the Scottish Social Housing Charter website.

Annual Performance Reports 

Annual Assurance Statement 

From 2019 all social landlords must submit to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) an Annual Assurance Statement providing assurance that their organisation complies with the relevant requirements of chapter 3 of the Regulatory Framework. This includes regulatory requirements that apply to all social landlords and the Standards of Governance and Financial Management that apply to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).The Statement should be made and submitted by the RSL’s governing body.  Each landlord should confirm in its Statement its compliance with all of the relevant requirements of section 3 of the Framework. Where a landlord does not fully comply, it should set out in the Statement how and when it will make the necessary improvements to ensure compliance. These assurance statements require to be submitted annually by the 31 October each year from 2019.

The Annual Assurance Statement 2024 for Langstane Housing Association was approved at the Board of Management meeting on 22nd August 2024, it was then signed and submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator.   

Complaints Handling

All social landlords follow the same process for handling service complaints. It is a requirement of the Model Complaints Handling Procedure that we publish information about our performance, and we demonstrate learning from complaints. See our annual report for more information about complaints received during 2022-23.

Tenant feedback helps our Board of Management and Leadership team ensure that they are managing an organisation that is meeting the needs of their tenants and other customers.

From time to time things can go wrong and customers may wish to complain about our service. Our complaints policy, which aims to make it easy for our tenants to have their concerns resolved quickly, is available to download or alternatively you can visit our feedback page to find out more. 

Let us know if you would like a hard copy of the policy which can be collected from our Aberdeen and Elgin offices.