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Update from TV Licensing

Below you will find some resources from TV Licening Scotland that we hope you find helpful. 

The new Cost of Living support page

Here you will find everything you need to know about the discounted TV Licences available and who is eligible for a concession.

There is also a handy video that explains the discounts, who can get one, and how to apply.

Click here for the Cost of Living support page

The Simple Payment Plan

This is the most affordable and flexible payment plan available for those struggling financially and in need of extra help and support. Any registered charity that provides debt counselling or other financial advice can refer a client to the plan.

Payment Options

A video detailing the different payment options available through the Simple Payment Plan and how to sign up once you've been invited to join or referred by a debt charity.

If you would like any further details or have questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with TV Licensing Scotland